Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Back to A2Z Guitar

Hello everyone!

As you might have noticed there hasn't been new posts in this blog for quite a while. The main reason is that my "offline" musical life became more active.

My duo with the oboist Zoltan Hornyanszky came to live once again after a 3 year break. We got engaged to participate in the Saint Donat Festival in Zadar (Croatia). Our concert was held in 24th July with great success and there are in the near future some performances to be organized which means more practice and rehearsals.

Besides the duo I'm starting with a new musical project with several musicians which envolves arranging and composing a lot of material. And all this without mentioning my family "obligations" and other duties as well. Soon a new school year will start and that means work (I'm a guitar teacher).

Because I don't want to make this Internet stuff my main way of occupying my available time I decided to end this blog. But that doesn't mean I'll not write anymore about Barrios. All the material from this blog has been transfered to my main blog A2Z Guitar and located under the category "Chief Nitsuga".

From now on everything I intend to post about Barrios will be done in the above mentioned place. I'll also use some of its material in my future forum Learn About Guitar, therefore I invite anyone who cares about sharing culture to participate in it.

If anyone wants to contact me that is possibe by posting a comment in "About this blog" from A2Z Guitar (no need to register). Sorry for not giving you my own e-mail adress but I want to avoid spammers.

And that's it folks!
Hope to see you in some of my online spots!



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© 2007 Pedro Abreu